2021-07-02 01:46:16 - Failed to process image: REQUEST.filePath | error: org.apache.commons.imaging.ImageReadException:4 components are invalid or unsupported 2021-07-02 05:39:08 - Failed to process image: REQUEST.filePath | error: source file [D:\Docuref\prodimg\doc482435.jpg] is not a file 2021-07-02 06:25:13 - Failed to process image: REQUEST.filePath | error: Numbers of source Raster bands and source color space components do not match 2021-07-02 12:23:41 - Failed to process image: REQUEST.filePath | error: source file [D:\Docuref\afbeelding\doc274039.jpg] is not a file 2021-07-02 21:20:38 - Failed to process image: REQUEST.filePath | error: Numbers of source Raster bands and source color space components do not match 2021-07-02 21:20:38 - Failed to process image: REQUEST.filePath | error: Numbers of source Raster bands and source color space components do not match